Dialogues / Performing Arts Residencies at Villa Manin
Since 2015, Villa Manin di Passariano (Udine) - already a venue for major art exhibitions and music events in Friuli Venezia Giulia- has become home to a new artistic experienceDIALOGUES / PERFORMING ARTS RESIDENCIES AT VILLA MANIN
a project by
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
ERPaC Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale del FVG
with the support of
Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Since 2015, Villa Manin di Passariano (Udine) - already a venue for major art exhibitions and music events in Friuli Venezia Giulia- has become home to a new artistic experience. The historic villa has welcomed performing arts as a context for creation, study, experimentation, encounters and exchanges of visions and experiences, for artists, citizens and lovers of culture.
Over the three years between 2015-2017, emerging and established Italian and international groups of actors and performers have been invited to live and work artistically in the Villa, throughout the year or for intensive periods.
Villa Manin offers a structure of residency spaces, practice rooms and a new guest house which can accommodate up to twenty artists.
The residencies at Villa Manin are an opportunity for artists to reflect, develop and test out creative projects, performance and theoretical processes exploring the subject of Dialogues: a meeting between cultures around the Mediterranean, in complete freedom and absolute concentration.
The residencies are also intended as a meeting place for artists with different nationalities, cultural experiences and training. They are a centre for meetings, panels and workshops for artists, critics and audiences to consider the performing arts. They are also gradually developing into a network of artistic residencies throughout Italy and Europe.
The residencies are designed to generate genuine temporary artistic communities, which do not operate in isolation but rather in a permanent relationship with the land and the people who live and work there. This approach to residencies may develop trajectories of thought and creativity, intercept physical, mental and social interferences, inhabiting a place and bringing with them a powerful sense of community.
Each artist or artistic group has been given free rein with their own residency: they might wish to focus on developing and exploring new creative paths, add a new stage in an on-going process of creation, undergo a process of verification and analysis, or it may become a meeting between artists with different backgrounds and an opportunity for interaction and discussion.
After or during the residency, there will be moments open to the public with creative workshops, meetings and workshops with experts, critics, other artists and protagonists.
Partners and supporters of the project
Dialogues – Performing Arts Residencies at Villa Manin is an original project created and run by CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia and ERPaC Ente regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale del FVG, made possible with the support of Mibact – Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo and Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration for the first year with Short Theatre Festival (Rome).
Residencies 2015-2016
In the first two years, the residencies included training projects, collectives and artists such as Dewey Dell (Italy, 2015), Collettivo W (France, 2016), Radouan Mriziga (Morocco, Estonia, Portugal, France, 2016), Matija Ferlin (Croatia, 2016), Giovanna Rovedo and Michela Silvestrin (Italy, Belgium, 2016), Alessandro Sciarroni (Italy, 2016), Areanuda (Italy, 2016), Constanza Macras (Italy, Germany, 2016), Arkadi Zaides (Israel, France, 2016), Alessandro Marinuzzi (Italy, Belgium, Portugal, 2016), Pierre Berthet, Rie Nakajima, Renato Rinaldi (Italy, Belgium, Japan, 2016), Collettivo InternoEnki (Italy, 2016), ricci/forte (Italy-France, 2016).
Residencies 2017
Over the summer of 2017 Dialoghi will develop 4 new Residencies which will involve groups and artists in intensive residencies from 5 June to 30 July. These will be open to the public in 4 open residency events (free entry) which have become an integral part of the program for Villa Manin Estate 2017 promoted by ERPaC.
The project begins in June, with Residencies for two Italian contemporary dance companies-mk (residency open to the public: 17 June, Residency space, 7:00 pm) and Arearea (residency open to the public: July 9, the Park of the Villa, 7:00pm). Both groups are engaged in the elaboration of original choreographic approaches. During the residency, the dance company Arearea developed Caos creato, coordinated by the choreographer Roberto Cocconi. This takes as its starting point the idea of movement in relation to breath, and our awareness and perception of the cycles of breathing: a vital issue, but often hidden among chaos of everyday life. RIMA Najdi is a Lebanese artist who is now active in Berlin, working through performance, video and installations. Think much. Cry much (residency open to the public: 23 July, Villa Manin, 9:00 pm) is an exploration of the questions related to migration through a participatory sound performance. It aims to engage the public in a choreography inspired by boundaries and maps and by recent European rules on migration, investigating the effects they can have on the body.
The summer program concludes with the residency of the Italian company Sotterraneo (residency open to the public: 28 July, Residency space, 7:00 pm) and their creative research into the possibility of representing the mechanisms of the Infosphere and augmented reality in the theatre.
The Dialoghi project will continue until December 2017 with new Residencies yet to be confirmed, to complete the first three years of activity.
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
T. +39 0432 504765 info@cssudine.it
ERPaC Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale del FVG
T. +39 0432 821211 info@villamanin.it – www.villamanin.it