Residency 5 - Alessandro Marinuzzi /
Collettivo Eutopia X
Residency 2
Villa Manin, Spazio Residenze
23 October - 11 November 2018
After The Desertph_Luigina Tusini
Residency open to the public
Sunday 11 November 2018, 7 pm
Villa Manin di Passariano, Spazio Residenze
free entry, booking advised t.+39 0432 504765,
Residency Team
artistic direction, Alessandro Marinuzzi, theatrical and general dramaturgy Alessandro Marinuzzi / Collettivo Eutopia X, with the under 35 actors Dario Caccuri and Riccardo Pieretti, collaboration with the project, video creation and dramaturgy, Luca Carboni and Gabriel Da Costa, scenery and visual design, Luigina Tusini, dramaturgic collaboration, Corrado Premuda
With consultancy by Sergia Adamo, Università degli Studi di Trieste and Roberto Canziani, Università degli Studi di Udine
Special thanks to Daniela Bortignoni, the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio D’Amico”, Mrs Argia and Marta Riservato
Alessandro Marinuzzi returns to collaborate with the Eutopia X collective to tackle a new mise en abîme, a new process of workshop exploration and philosophical investigation using the languages of theatre, literature, theatre, video and contemporary art, inspired by a number of the ideas that emerged in the previous project. Welcome to the Desert of the Real is a book by the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, and the words are also a quote found in the Wachowski brothers movie The Matrix. Both are inspired by a phrase from the book Simulacres et simulation by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, which also contains an erroneous quote from Ecclesiastes and makes reference to Jorge Luis Borges, Del rigor en la ciencia, which the Argentine writer attributes to a book from 1658, which does not actually exist ... "Is that everything... Here and now? And ... after the desert?"
Alessandro Marinuzzi is a director, artistic consultant and theatrical trainer, he studied as a director with Andrea Camilleri, Aldo Trionfo and Luca Ronconi in Rome at the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico, completing his studies in Paris and Belgium with Armand Delcampe, Josef Svoboda and Jean-François Politzer.
He has collaborated with CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione di Friuli Venezia Giulia since 1989, as well as with the Teatro Stabile Sloveno di Trieste and the Teatro Stabile del FVG and other productions in Italy, Belgium, France, Croatia, Germany and Switzerland.
He has taught at numerous institutions, including the Corso di perfezionamento del Teatro in Rome and the Scuola del Teatro Stabile in Turin, both directed by Luca Ronconi, and the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica.
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
T. +39 0432 504765