Udine | Teatro Palamostre, Sala Pier Paolo Pasolini
14, 15 gennaio 2022 ore 21:00
RINVIATO AL 27, 28 MAGGIO 2022 ore 21:00

The Mountain
Agrupación Señor Serrano
CREDITSdramaturgy and direction Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios and Ferran Dordal
light design Cube.bz
video creation Jordi Soler Quintana
costumes Lola Belles
with the support of
Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat / Graner – Mercat de les Flors
“Have you recently had a close encounter –
a close encounter with something very unusual?”
Close encounters of the Third Kind
On October 30, 1938 an alien ship landed in Grover’s Mill, a town in New Jersey. Without saying a word, the Martians began to attack, turning their laser beams on the local population and the first platoons of soldiers that tried to resist. Little by little the Martian ships moved towards New York, where they sowed panic…
A few years before, after a period of heavy rains, a ship ran aground on the top of a mountain. From out of it came a host of species ready to colonize and repopulate the world. Ostriches, ants, hippos and Noah’s family…
What is the difference between a fictional narrative and a factual one? Why do we know that a narrative contains “true facts” and is not invented? How is “the truth” built? Is there “the truth”? If it does not exist, then are all stories just versions of the same lie?
When Moses writes about Noah, he does so by copying the model of oral stories of the time, the communicative vehicle that carried the truth and the news of the times.
When Orson Welles created his radio version of The War of the Worlds, he did so with the intention of alerting the listeners that the radio, the champion of truth and veracity of its time, could be conveniently used to sneak fake facts past us as if they were true, and to manipulate the listener.
When Putin subsidizes the Russia Today TV channel, the Snake APT hackers or launches an army of false Twitter accounts, he does so to sow chaos and doubt within the hegemonic narrative of Western liberal democracies and their “peace mission” in the world, to call “the truth” into question and thus gain advantage for Russia and its foreign policy (to make the annexation of Crimea seem inevitable, for example).
Running time: 70 minutes
Press reviews
Andrea Porcheddu, Il teatro deve bisbigliare le verità - Gli stati generali, 7 luglio 2021 [504 Kb]Andrea Pocosgnich, Dove stai guardano? The Mountain, Señor Serrano, teatroecritica.net, 22 ottobre 2020 [117 Kb]Tour
8, 9, 10 July 2020 h 20.30
Grec Festival
Barcelona, Teatre Lliure Montjuïc, Sala Fabià Puigserver
20 September 2020 h 18
Contemporanea 2020
Prato, Metastasio
10 October 2020 h 21
11 October 2020 h 17
Festival International des Arts de Bordeaux Métropole
14 October 2020 h 20
Primavera dei teatri
Castrovillari, Castello Aragonese
19-21 November 2020 h 20
Madrid, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Condeduque
2-3 December 2020 h 20.30
Milan, Zona K
18-28 March 2021
Barcelona, Teatre Lliure
17 April 2021
Gijón (Spain), Teatro Jovellanos
22 April 2021
Vic (Spain), L'Atlàntida
30 April 2021, h 20
Fira Titelles Lledia
Lleida (Spain), La Llotja
21-22 May 2021
Valencia (Spain), Teatre el Musical
5 giugno 2021, h 17 and 19.30
Hannover (Germany), KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Orangerie
5-6 July 2021
Biennale Teatro 2021
Venice, Arsenale, Teatro alle Tese
13-14 July 2021, h 21.45
Milan, Zona K
18 July 2021
MiT Ribadavia
Ribadavia (Spain)
14-15 September 2021
La Bâite Festival de Genève
Genève (Switzerland)
17-18 September 2021
Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes
Charleville-Mézières (France)
2 October 2021
Donostia (Spain), Victoria Eugenia
22 October 2021, h 21
Festival Informatici senza frontiere
26-27 October 2021
Festival delle Colline Torinesi
7 November 2021, h16
Liège (Belgium), Théâtre de Liège
11 November 2021, h 20
Vic (Spain), L'Atlàntida
13 November 2021, h 20
Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain
Bayonne (France), Théâtre Michel Portal
16 November 2021, h 20.30
Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain
Oloron-Sainte-Marie (France), Espace Jéliote
20 November 2021
Festival Temporada Alta
Girona (Spain), L'Atlàntida
1 December 2021
ATC Festival
Sofia (Bulgaria)
12-13 February 2022
Valladolid, LAVA Laboratorio de las Artes
18-19 March 2022, h 19.30
Sevilla, Teatro Central
29 April 2022, h 20.30
30 April 2022, h 19.30
Genoa, Teatro Ivo Chiesa
12 May 2022
Cool Days Festival
Artà, Spain
27-28 May 2022, h 21
Teatro Contatto 40
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
30 June - 1 July 2022
Forest Festival
Thessaloniki, Greece
10 September 2022, h 20.30
Città Cento Scale Festival
Potenza, Cineteatro Don Bosco
27 September 2022
Ljubljana, Lutke Festival
29 September 2022
Budapest, Trafo
14-15 October 2022
Lisbon, Centro Cultural Belém
21-22 October 2022
A Coruña (Spain), Teatro Rosalìa de Castro
4 November 2022
Córdoba, Gran Teatro
6 November 2022
Alicante, Casa de la Música CC Cigarreras
10 November 2022
Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spagna), Teatro Principal Antzokia
15 December 2022
El Prat de Llobregat (Spain), Sala Gran Teatre L'Artesà
10 February 2023
Manresa (Spain), Kursaal
3-5 March 2023
Taipei, Taiwan International Festival of Arts
19 March 2023
Oviedo, Semana del Audiovisual Contemporáneo de Oviedo
4-5 May 2023
Trento, Teatro SanbàPolis
11 May 2023
Choisy-le-Roi (France), Théâtre Cinéma
3 June 2023, h 20
Murcia, Teatro Circo
17 June 2023, h 18.30
Klaipėda (Lithuania), theAtrium
20 September 2023
Festivalul European de Teatru Eurothalia
Timișoara, Romania
10 March 2024
Lima (Perù), FAE Lima
21-22 May 2024, h 20
Paris Globe Festival
Paris, Théâtre Paris-Villette
8-9 July 2024, h 21
Sempre Più Fuori Festival
Rome, Accademia Tedesca Roma Villa Massimo
8 November 2024, h 21
Vicenza, TeatroAstra