• darkblurbg

Furia avicola

Two single-act plays exploring the end of art and the absurdity of bureaucracy, by Rafael Spregelburd

written by Rafael Spregelburd
translation Manuela Cherubini
directed by
Rafael Spregelburd and Manuela Cherubini
Rita Brütt, Fabrizio Lombardo, Laura Nardi, Deniz Özdogan/Luisa Merloni, Amândio Pinheiro
additional details
video Igor Renzetti
photographsy Ale Sordi
Co-produced by CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG and Fattore K.
Inspired by an idea proposed by Fabrizio Lombardo
With special thanks to Sofia Correia, Bernardo De Almeda, Maria Chiara Tofone

As part of the Ecole des Maîtres project, we worked with a group of actors from four European countries to create a show entitled The end of Europe, which, given the babel of languages spoken in our continent, prompted us to focus on questions of identity, belonging and on the notion of ‘the end’.  The show Furia avicola (Chicken Fury) is one of the works that sprung from this.

During the same summer, Cecilia Giménez, an  art enthusiast living in Borja, a  small town not far from Zaragoza,  took it upon herself to single-handedly restore an Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) fresco in one of  the town’s chapels. It would never have occured to the elderly ‘restorer’ that her work would  kick up such a storm in the Western art world, dividing critics and audiences alike. This minor scandal seemed to take on a life of its own once in cyberspace, unleashing more of a furore online than off, in the process striking at the very heart  of fundamental questions  concerning the purpose of this ancient and modern practice that we call "art."  It brought a government department, its employees and the entire bureaucratic apparatus under the spotlight. It was a moment of madness or perhaps lucidity, an outcry against the symbol of all symbols: money.

Is it the end of this too? The apocalypse is, it is true, an invention of power, but what will remain in our post apocalyptic world? Flocks of angry birds.

Rafael Spregelburd and  Manuela Cherubini

Furia avicola has its roots in the master class training programme of the Ecole des Maîtres, an advanced  drama course for young European artists which  culminates in the staging of a theatrical production,  on this occasion with the participation of co-producers CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del FVG and  Fattore K with Manuela Cherubini, Italian translator of Rafael Spregelburd, working as co-director.

The performance consists of two single-act plays exploring the end of art and the absurdity of bureaucracy, offering a powerful reflection on the meaning and consequences of the crisis of our times. Furia avicola  explores the contemporary world in all its chaotic unpredictability, a world of mystery and entertainment in equal measure.


Press reviews

Rafael Spregelburd e Roberto Canziani, Spregelburd e gli altri, drammaturgia contemporanea a Parma - Hystrio 1/2025 [630 Kb]Leonetta Bentivoglio, Nuovo teatro realtà - la Repubblica, 14 giugno 2015 [592 Kb]Anna Bandettini, Tre atti per ridere sul nostro mondo - La Repubblica, 22 febbraio 2015 [212 Kb]Renato Palazzi, Il mondo formato bonsai - Il Sole 24 Ore, 4 gennaio 2015 [342 Kb]Tommaso Chimenti, Il virus contagia il mondo surreale - Il Fatto Quotidiano, 12 maggio 2014 [234 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Rafael Spregelburd, ovvero la scienza, l'arte e l'imprevedibilità della realtà - Hystrio, 2/2014 [949 Kb]Tommaso Chimenti, La "Furia avicola" si abbatte e travolge. Lasciando tutto intatto com'è - Rumor(s)cena, 12 febbraio 2014 [214 Kb]Gianfranco Capitta, Un calcio ai luoghi comuni del capitalismo avanzato - il manifesto, 8 febbraio 2014 [1325 Kb]Massimo Marino, Le apocalissi di Spregelburd - Doppiozero, 6 febbraio 2014 [319 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Sarcasmo sul nostro mondo alla deriva; Fabiana Dallavalle, Deniz e Rafael, seduzione e furia - Messaggero Veneto, 1 febbraio 2014 [763 Kb]Alessia Pilotto, Nella Furia avicola la fine delle certezze - Il Gazzettino, 1 febbraio 2014 [345 Kb]Gianni Cianchi, Furia avicola - ilgiornaledelfriuli.net, 31 gennaio 2014 [95 Kb]Andrea Porcheddu, A Udine va in scena la fine del mondo secondo Spregelburd - Linkiesta.it, 31 gennaio 2014 [535 Kb]Claudio Trevisan, La furia che impazza nell'arte come in ufficio - ildiscorso.it, 31 gennaio 2014 [201 Kb]Roberto Canziani, La 'furia avicola' di Spregelburd a Udine - Il Piccolo, 23 gennaio 2014 [642 Kb]Mario Brandolin, Spregelburd: 'Il teatro è come un gioco che è vero finché dura' - Messaggero Veneto, 22 gennaio 2014 [656 Kb]


30-31 January - 1 February 2014 h 21
Teatro Contatto Differenze
Udine, Teatro S.Giorgio

15-16 April 2014 h 20.30
Trento, Teatro Cuminetti
11 December 2014 h 21
Firenze, Teatro Cantiere Florida
12-13 December 2014 h 21
14 December 2014 h 16 
Prato, Teatro Fabbricone
20 December 2014, h 21
Bari, Teatro Kismet OperA
3 February 2015 h 21
Correggio (RE), Teatro Asioli  
4 February 2015 h 21
Casalecchio di Reno (BO), Pubblico. Il Teatro di Casalecchio di Reno
17-22 February 2015
Rome, Teatro India
16 May 2015 h 21.15
17 May 2015 h 15
TV premiere Rai 5
16 July 2015
 h 22
Festival de Almada
Almada (Portugal), Escola D. António Da Costa, Palco Grande