Dal capolavoro di Orwell, il pluripremiato regista scozzese Matthew Lenton riflette sulle forme di controllo che dominano nel nostro tempo e nelle nostre vite.
CREDITSdramaturgy Matthew Lenton e Martina Folena
lighting Orlando Bolognesi
costumes Gianluca Sbicca
video Riccardo Frati
supported by Heracomm
Matthew Lenton is the artistic director of Vanishing Point Company (Glasgow). He will direct a cast of Italian actors for the production 1984, based on the book by George Orwell.
What if you were being watched all the time?
What if the authorities knew what you were thinking?
What would be the worst thing they could know?
What if they could use it against you?
If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history to suit the party line. Events that contradict the party’s version of the truth are deleted and history is rewritten. News is Fake. Winston is good at what he does, but a curiosity is awakened in him, a curiosity about the real past. And a woman. Is it possible to fall in love in this world? This question will have dangerous consequences for Winston and even see him condemned to the infamous, and terrifying, Room 101.
In a compelling and visually striking new production by Matthew Lenton, we will see how Orwell's 1984 feels more prescient now than ever. In a world of constant surveillance, justified by the threat of terrorism, how far will the authorities go to control us?
Press reviews
Magda Poli, L'incubo profetico di Orwell sui media - Corriere della Sera, 19 aprile 2018 [295 Kb]Roberto Canziani, '1984' secondo Lenton, primo titolo di Contatto - Il Piccolo, 12 aprile 2018 [1426 Kb]Tour
from 10 to 13 and from 17 to 20 April 2018, h 21
14 and 21 April 2018, h 20
15 and 22 April 2018, h 15.30
Modena, Teatro delle Passioni
16-17 November 2018
Teatro Contatto 18-19
Udine, Teatro Palamostre
22, 23, 24 November 2018, h 21
25 November 2018, h 15.30
Cesena, Teatro Bonci
27, 29, 30 November 2018, h 21
28 November e 1 December 2018, h 17.30 and h 21
2 December 2018, h 18
Neaples, Teatro Bellini
11 November 2019, h 10
Vignola, Teatro Fabbri
13-16 November 2019, h 20.30
17 November 2019, h 15.30
Brescia, Teatro Sociale
19 e 20 November 2019, h 20.30
Reggio Emilia, Teatro Ariosto
26 e 27 November 2019, h 21
Terni, Teatro Secci
29 e 30 November 2019, h 20.30
Pavia, Teatro Fraschini