Diary of a Serbian Housewife
For her performance in this one-woman show, the young Serbian actress Ksenija Martinovic, who has lived in Italy for many years, won the monologue section 2014 Premio Nazionale Giovani Realtà del Teatro, an annual theatre prize awarded to young actors.
CREDITSa special thank to Centrale Preneste Teatro/Ruotalibera Teatro
Responding to an inner need, Angelka, a young woman from ex-Yugoslavia, embarks on a quest to retrace and revisit her past, reliving the memories of her life as it once was: her early childhood, Tito’s Yugoslavia, her adolescence, her coming of age in Milosovevic’s Serbia. How does one see oneself when, with eyes anew, one looks in the mirror after all these years?
Her reawakening and heightening awareness coincides with that of an entire generation, people like herself for whom adulthood had come too soon, thrust upon them long before they were ready.
For her performance in this one-woman show, the young Serbian actress Ksenija Martinovic, who has lived in Italy for many years, won the monologue section 2014 Premio Nazionale Giovani Realtà del Teatro, an annual theatre prize awarded to young actors.
Following this award, the production received the sponsorship of CSS as part of its triennial StartART project (‘First Production’ category), awarded to young performance artists and emerging theatre companies.
As she looks back on her life, we share her memories: “A cassette player; the years spanning 1960-1990; a leaf of paper; words; the TV news; being the topic of world conversation; being a Nation; being a small child; being an adult; being Angelka; being a woman; living in a border zone - the dividing line between civility and fear - the fear of not being recognised, the fear of being silenced; Italy, the land of dreams, of new beginnings, new encounters, games, smells, holidays, songs, pizza, return; Italy, a house looking out on the world, a house fit for a housewife.
Only Angelka does not occupy herself with family life or domestic chores. Barely drawing breath, Angelka acts, recites, sings and dances; Angelka laughs, playing the mocking fool, she pours scorn on the worlds tired platitudes and clichés as she reads out the names of those who have lost everything and, while the West continues to batter and bomb, Angelka gazes upon the public, searching among the bodies in the darkness for a memory, the memory of a window”
Scheda di distribuzione Diario di una casalinga serba [76 Kb]cartolina Diario di una casalinga serba a Torino [906 Kb]Press reviews
Paola Pini, Ne “Il diario di una casalinga serba” si ascolta l’eco di fantasmi a noi vicini - Corrieredellospettacolo.it, 3 febbraio 2018 [316 Kb]Irina Wolf, Frauen im Mittelpunkt - aurora-magazin.at, 5 luglio 2017 [148 Kb]Una sognatrice a Belgrado - lavocedinewyork.com, 6 maggio 2016 [63 Kb]A New York va In Scena il teatro italiano - lavocedinewyork.com, 28 aprile 2016 [153 Kb]In Scena Italian Theater Festival NY 2016 - wetheitalians.com, 17 marzo 2016 [41 Kb]Silvia Ferrari, Trent’anni di Serbia nella voce di Ksenija Martinovic - Pac Magazine di Arte & Culture, 5 novembre 2016 [49 Kb]Roberto Canavesi, Intervista a Ksenija Martinovic - tangramteatro.it-maldipalco 2016 [143 Kb]Fabiana Dallavalle, Una casalinga serba per raccontare la fine di un sogno - Messaggero Veneto, blog d'autore, 23 novembre 2015 [162 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Donne sull'orlo di una crisi di jugo-nostalgia. A Teatro Contatto - ilpiccolo.it blog d'autore, 17 novembre 2015 [274 Kb]Roberto Canziani, Una casalinga e gli anni bui della Serbia - Il Piccolo 15 novembre 2015 [617 Kb]Fabiana Dallavalle, Ksenija, porto in scena la mia terra - Messaggero Veneto, 15 novembre 2015 [328 Kb]Simone Nebbia, All In Festival. Fiona Sansone dirige Diario di una casalinga serba al Teatro Argot Studio, teatroecritica.net, 10 giugno 2015 [46 Kb]Manuela Caserta, Diario di una casalinga serba - Kult-Ex - Blog - L’Espresso 5 giugno 2015.pdf [71 Kb]Gabriele Di Donfrancesco, La favola nel Diario di una casalinga serba - tribunaitalia.it, 3 giugno 2015 [164 Kb]Gabriele Di Donfrancesco, Diario di una casalinga serva racconta la Jugoslavia, tribunaitalia.it, 3 giugno 2015 [201 Kb]Sarah Curati, All In Festival - paperstreet.it, 28 maggio 2015 [107 Kb]Tour
16-22 November 2015
Teatro Contatto 34
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
6 May 2016 at 7:30 pm
New York, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
9 May 9 2016 at 8:00 pm
New York, Triskelion Arts
In Scena! Italian Theatre Festival NY
2 July 2016 at 7:30 pm
Festival of Monodrama and Mime
Belgrade, Puppet Theatre Pinocchio
21 October 2016 at 8:30 pm
Muggia, Teatro Verdi
28 October 2016 at 9:00 pm
Cagliari, Teatro La Vetreria
21 April 2017, at 8:45 pm
22 April 2017, at 7:30 pm
23 April 2017, at 4:30 pm
Prato, Teatro Magnolfi
13 June 2017, at 9:30 pm
Turin, Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani
28 October 2017 at 9 pm
Turin, Tangram Teatro
26 January 2018 at 8:30 pm
27 January 2018 at 8 pm
28 January 2018 at 4:30 pm
Bologna, Teatro delle Moline
1 February 2018
Trieste, Teatro Miela
16 February 2018
ContattoTIG 2017-2018
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio
8 March 2018
Cervignano, Teatro Pasolini
20 October 2018 h 21
Pordenone, ex Convento di S. Francesco
8 March 2019 h 20.30
Gorizia, Kulturni Dom