• darkblurbg

The sun and the glance

Pier Paolo Pasolini's poetry as a self-portrait
by Luigi Lo Cascio, from the poetical works of Pier Paolo Pasolini

Pier Paolo Pasolini
Luigi Lo Cascio and Nicola Console (drawings)
set & lighting design
scenery and art direction Alice Mangano
scenery and drawings Nicola Console
lighting design Alberto Bevilacqua
musiche originali Andrea Rocca
additional details
sound design Mauro Forte
direction assistant Marco Serafino Cecchi
a coproduction CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG / Teatro Metastasio di Prato

Pier Paolo Pasolini enjoyed a long and uninterrupted relationship with poetry. “We have first and foremost lost a poet" cried Moravia following the death of his friend - thus choosing, from the numerous manifestations of Pasolini’s brilliant talents (intellectual, novelist, filmmaker, critic, essayist, playwright), to give prominence to his poetry.
Poetry is certainly present in his plays, all written in verse, as it is in his cinema, which, in point of fact, he himself defined as ‘the cinema of poetry’. Yet here, as we endeavor to sketch something akin to a self-portrait of the man, we will refer exclusively to Pasolini’s poetic production in the strict sense of the term, which is to say, his vast collection of poems. What emerges is one continuous discourse which lays bare, in the full, bright glare of the sun, a portrait of himself in which every anomaly, every inconsistency and every blatant and rampant contradiction is revealed for all the world to see.
Luigi Lo Cascio



25 November - 5 December 2015
Teatro Contatto / Viva Pasolini!
Udine, Teatro S. Giorgio

7 December 2015, h 20.45
Maniago (PN), Teatro Verdi
20 December 2015, h 21
Riccione (RN), Spazio Tondelli
13-22 May 2016
Prato, Teatro Magnolfi
5-13 November 2016
Prato, Teatro Fabbricone
22 e 25 November 2016, h 19.30
23, 24, 26 November 2016, h 21
27 November 2016, h 17
Trieste, Politeama Rossetti, Sala Bartoli