Ecole des Maîtres

The Ecole des Maîtres is an international, advanced level master class with an itinerant format. The workshop is delivered at different sites within the European countries participating in the project. The Ecole is dedicated to young professional European actresses and actors and offers participants the opportunity to meet some of the most important directors on the contemporary theatre scene

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project partners and art direction
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa (Italy), CREPA - Centre de Recherche et d’Expérimentation en Pédagogie Artistique, Théâtre de Liège - Centre européen de création théâtrale et chorégraphique (CFWB/Belgium), Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, TAGV - Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (Portugal), Le Quai Centre Dramatique National Angers Pays de la Loire, Comédie, Centre dramatique national de Reims (France)

with the support of MiC Ministero della Cultura - Direzione Generale Spettacolo, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Direzione centrale cultura e sport, Fondazione Friuli (Italy)
with the participation of ERPAC - Ente Regionale Patrimonio Culturale Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - Service général de la Création artistique, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, La Loterie Nationale (CFWB/Belgium), Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

The Ecole des Maîtres is an international, advanced level master class with an itinerant format. The workshop is delivered at different sites within the European countries participating in the project. Originally created and directed by Franco Quadri, the Ecole is dedicated to young professional European actresses and actors and offers participants the opportunity to meet some of the most important directors on the contemporary theatre scene. Following Quadri’s death in 2011, the mantle passed to the partner theatres, who, building on his legacy and vision, took over the responsibilities of the school’s art direction.

To date, the school has invited the following theatre masters to lead the course: Luca Ronconi, Jerzy Grotowski, Anatolij Vasil’ev, Jacques Lassalle, Jacques Delcuvellerie, Luis Miguel Cintra, Yannis Kokkos, Lev Dodin, Peter Stein, Alfredo Arias, Dario Fo, Matthias Langhoff, Eimuntas Nekrosius, Massimo Castri, Jean-Louis Martinelli, Giancarlo Cobelli, Denis Marleau, Jan Fabre, Carlo Cecchi, Rodrigo Garcia, Pippo Delbono, Antonio Latella, Enrique Diaz, Arthur Nauzyciel, Matthew Lenton, Rafael Spregelburd, Constanza Macras, ricci/forte, Ivica Buljan, Christiane Jatahy, Transquinquennal, Tiago Rodrigues, Angélica Liddell, Davide Carnevali, Claudio Tolcachir, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, Anne-Cécile Vandalem

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The Ecole was founded in Brussels in 1990 thanks to the interest and support of the Ente Teatrale Italiano, the government agency for the dramatic arts, and the Ministries of Culture of the partner countries, and is currently promoted by leading institutions in Italy, Croatia, France, Belgium, Portugal and Slovenia. The methods and organization of the courses are defined each year by the individual masters selected to direct the project, thus ensuring a variety of teaching methods and textual and linguistic approaches.  Over the course of twenty years, the work of the Ecole has been characterized by a rich and stimulating exchange of dramatic languages and teaching methods and it is precisely in this interaction between different languages and cultures that its unique quality lies.

During the first ten years, the Ecole experimented with  a variety of formats, alternating short, multi-site courses  led by a succession of masters with longer courses led by just one or two masters at just a couple of sites, with the itinerant, touring aspect of the course limited to the final performances held in several cities.
In the three-year period 1997-1999 it received the support of the Kaléidoscope - DG X programme of the European Commission.
In the period between 2004-2006 the Ecole acquired a new name, Progetto Thierry Salmon, in memory of the Belgian director who died in 1998. With its multi-lingual approach to texts and focus on working with young actors, it pioneered and laid the foundations of the current course, both in spirit and orientation. During this period, the support of the European Commission's Culture 2000 programme brought additional resources to the training project enabling a two-fold increase in the number of courses, selected candidates and participating masters, thus enhancing opportunities for the exchange of different theatrical practices.
In 2007, the Ecole des Maîtres’ long-standing work was awarded with the Golden Lion (Leone d’oro per il futuro) at the Venice Biennale.
In some instances, the work of the Ecole le des Maîtres’  has  led to  actual productions performed by the  multi-national cast, which have subsequently toured in European theatres, such as The Seagull by Anton Chekhov,  directed by Eimuntas Nekrosius, Woyzeck  by Büchner, directed  by Giancarlo Cobelli, and Shakespeare’s Pericles directed by Antonio Latella, which debuted at the Venice Biennale.

Ecole des Maîtres secretariat:
CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG
Sonia Brigandì
tel +39 0432 504765
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday h 9-13
Thursday, Friday h 9-13/14-18

Project partners

CREPA Centre de recherche et d’expérimentation en pédagogie artistique
Place du XX août, 16 - 4000 Liège
c/o Théâtre de Liège 
t. +32 4 344 71 72

3, Chaussée Bocquaine F-51100 Reims
t. +33 3 26 48 49 00

Cale de la Savatte, 49100 Angers
t. +33 2 41 22 20 20

Praça D. Pedro IV
1100-201 Lisboa
T.: +351. 213 250 800
Praça da República
3000-343 Coimbra
t. +351 239 855 630